
I am a principal engineer at NVIDIA. In our team we develop simulation methods that are both robust and physically accurate. They can be used in real time applications such as computer games as well as for virtual training of robots. Our research topics include the real time simulation of rigid bodies, cloth, soft bodies as well as fluids and their mutual interactions. We investigate traditional as well as deep learning based methods.

I received my diploma in Computer Science from ETH Zürich in 1993 and my Dr. sc. techn. (Ph.D) from ETH Zürich in 1999 on the atomistic simulation of polymers. From 1999 to 2001 I worked as a Post-Doc with the Computer Graphics Group at MIT where I changed my research field from atomistic to real time simulations in computer graphics. I have been fascinated by it ever since. From 2001 - 2004 I was senior researcher with the Computer Graphics Laboratory of ETH Zürich.

In 2002 I co-founded NovodeX AG. We developed a rigid body engine for games called NovodeX. In 2004 NovodeX AG was acquired by AGEIA, an American startup which worked on a chip called PPU (Physics Prcessing Unit). AGEIA was acquired by NVIDIA in 2008.
